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Location: Klanjec
Category: Castles, fortresses and curias
Fort Cesargrad is located northwest of Klanjec on the west side Cesargradskog mountains, offering a view of the river Sutla and Zelenjak. It is not known when exactly Cesargrad was built, but it is considered that it was probably the beginning of the 14th century, because it was first mentioned in 1399. when King Sigismund of Luxembourg gave the fortress to Herman of Celje. It was built to defend the entrance to Zelenjak, on the border of the Croatian-Hungarian kingdom and the German Empire, and ranks among our biggest medieval fortress (225m x 85m). The structure of Cesargrad makes stone buildings used for housing of soldiers, surrounded by walls and towers. The oldest part of the fortress is the main town core of irregular semicircular layout. The central premise has a spacious garden with whose northwest side led into the square tower. On the eastern side of the core is a massive semicircular wall that is preserved as it was hundreds of years ago. This is the most representative part of the fortress wall.
Coordinates: 46.060287, 15.722580